Calligraphy Lesson

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

31 Aug

1) A Sum A Day - Worksheets 15 & 16

Monday, August 30, 2010

30 Aug

1) Math Workbook – pgs 77 to 84

Sunday, August 29, 2010

29 Aug

There is supplementary lesson tomorrow at 9.30am to 11.00am.
Remember to attend the lesson.

29 Aug

There is supplementary lesson tomorrow at 9.30am to 11.00am.
Remember to attend the lesson.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

26 Aug

1) Composition - Determination Paid Off

2) Parent’s Signature for
- Math WB pg 62
- Math Test 5
- Spelling

3) Remember to submit the booklet or PPT slides for YOG IBL Project on Monday, 30 Aug 2010.

Notes on GEP Screening Test tomorrow:
Date: 27 August (Friday)
Time to report: before 7.15am
Place to report: Classroom 3.8
What to wear: School uniform
What to bring: 2B pencils, stationery, water bottle, food/ money to buy food

Remember to sleep early so that you have a fresh mind tomorrow.
Please read the instructions carefully and check your work...

All the best to all of you! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

25 Aug

1) Parent’s Signature for SEL Booklet
2) Math Chp 13 Worksheet 3
3) Read Math Textbook pgs 68 to 71 before lesson

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

24 Aug - YOG IBL Project

Youth Olympics Games: Inquiry-Based-Learning (IBL) Project

After the lesson on YOG IBL, let's recall what you have to do:

1) Work in pairs/ groups of 4.

2) After discussion on the questions further to decide what else about the topics you want to explore about. Write them down on the piece of yellow worksheet.

3) You may choose to present your work in a powerpoint or in a form of a booklet. In addition, you must prepare a script for your presentation.

4) If you use a powerpoint, you may wish to email or communicate with your friend to get the work done. One person will compile or save it in a thumbdrive or CD and pass to me.

5) Deadline for submission: 30 August 2010, Monday

Have fun researching!! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

23 Aug

1) Parent's Signature for HOM Cards

2) Spelling & Unseen Dictation on 25 Aug, Wednesday
- Based on the words in First Aid to English (pg 137 - selected words)
- The words to be tested are:

Do start learning the words today...
For Unseen Dictation, remember the following:
- When teacher reads the passage the first time, listen to whether it's present tense or past tense.
- Understand the passage before writing as there could be homonyms/homophones. Refer to First Aid to English, pg 57, to recall what they are.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

18 Aug


1) Language Usage Booklet pages 8 to 12
2) Journal (2 entries)
- “The country I want to visit”
- “Something that makes me feel happy”
3) Lead assignment

1) Test on “Mass”
2) Test on “Length”
3) Lead assignment

1) Make a lantern using scrap materials for the “Multi-Racial Lantern Making Competition"Deadline: 23 August 2010 (Mon)

1) Supplementary on Mon, 23 Aug
2) No spelling list as unseen dictation will be given the next 2 weeks based on what you have all learnt before.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

17 Aug

1) Reflections on HOM lesson "Responsible Risks"
- What does Taking Responsible Risks mean?
- What have you learnt about it?
- How can you apply the habit?
- How did well-known people take responsible risks? For example, Mr Lee Kwan Yew, Mahatma Ghandhi, Mother Theresa & Abraham Lincoln

Monday, August 16, 2010

16 Aug - Homework

1) First Aid to English
- read pgs 19, 20
- do pg 21
- blog: reply to the post "16 Aug - Similies"

2) Make a lantern using scrap materials for the “Multi-Racial Lantern Making Competition"
Deadline: 23 August 2010 (Mon)

3) Bring Jenga/ Uno Stacko/ Pick-Up Sticks for class activity tomorrow

16 Aug - Similies!!

1) First Aid to English
- read page 19, 20
- do page 21

Penny for thought!
Why do we say?-
"as sick as a dog"
"as bright as a lark"
"as devoted as a mother"
"as industrious as a beaver"
"as mad as a hatter"

Do check it out and reply in the comments to this post :)
If you have some other interesting similies to share, do include in your comments too!
Have fun discussing!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

13 Aug

1) Math Chp 13 Worksheets 4 & 5
Please staple WS 4 in front of WS 5

2) Learn spelling (the last list given to you)

1) Supplementary on Monday, 16 Aug
2) Spelling on Monday, 16 Aug