Calligraphy Lesson

Monday, August 16, 2010

16 Aug - Similies!!

1) First Aid to English
- read page 19, 20
- do page 21

Penny for thought!
Why do we say?-
"as sick as a dog"
"as bright as a lark"
"as devoted as a mother"
"as industrious as a beaver"
"as mad as a hatter"

Do check it out and reply in the comments to this post :)
If you have some other interesting similies to share, do include in your comments too!
Have fun discussing!!


  1. We use similes to stress a certain characteristic of a thing. We often use simile to compare unusual things. This increases the understanding of what the speaker is trying to say.

  2. Similes are comparisons that show how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in one important way. Similes are a way to describe something.

  3. Dear Vivi & Nat,
    Thanks for sharing what similies are and when we use them.

  4. We use similies to make our writing more interesting and entertaining.
